So this started out as a total sketch, and I originally planned on just scrapping it. I ended up liking the sketch, so I colored it and then started messing around with shading and blurs and things. My friend Ashley recently suggested that I added more shading to my art, so that's what I tried to do here. Even if it's just completely random, I at least added more, haha. I discovered today that Gaussian Blur is quite fun, and I'll definitely mess around with it more in the future.
Yep, just a little bit of Robyn for ya. Negative and MacIntyre have been so neglected lately, it's not even funny. But now that I'm out of school, I'll be writing and drawing more, so look forward to seeing some more of the awesome duo. :D
Edit: Ack! I forgot her hair clippy thing (the proper name escapes me)! Oh well, I kind of like how she looks without it.