Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Faust

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TOOK ME FOREVER! But it was really fun! XD

But...ughhhh...I hate how it came out! TT^TT I don't know what happened to his hair. I really didn't know how to do it...So now it looks blonde and curly...I'm sorry, I really don't know how to make spiky, soft, brown hair with blonde tips...I mean, I can imagine it, I can see a real picture in my head, but I don't know how to actually do that...O.o

Mah main influence for this was Hyde and Gackt, so he might look like Hyde or Gackt. I say influence because I didn't really reference any picture or use an idea from a picture for anything...but I did look at pictures of them to get the feel and figure out what I was doing. But I did reference a picture of Obama! XD For the pose. He wasn't exactly in that same pose, but I had to look at a picture of him to get the legs and the body right.

I also wonder about his skin and if he's skinny enough...(which is why I was looking at Gackt pictures, to make him that skinny).

And then for an end result I really had no clue what to do. But I wanted it to look kinda grainy...though I think I failed at that. So just slapped on some stuff and splattered some purple here and there. And it's hard to see the piercings because they're so tiny, but they are there. Well, the ear piercings, they're covered up with his hair.

Oh! And for the jacket, I stared at the picture of that jacket Raisha gave for HOURS so long that I think I could replicate that same jacket...I noticed all the parts where it was sewn to see how I would draw that...XD I think I went into too much detail on the jacket...XD

I tried my best on this one because I really like Raisha's character and I really loved all the information she gave! <333

I'm not really for winning, but I know that she wants a picture with really good quality. Unfortunately, I think I failed at that...TT^TT The colouring killed me....because I had no clue what I was doing...and then finishing it up...I really didn't know what I was doing after I did the lineart...TT^TT '

Well, enjoy! ^ ^

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
12 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
kisskiss-bangbang gunArt Hyper Vampp Boi Kitty K.O. Blood Moon Wolf krokun
Member Dedication
Designing Faust Contest!!
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