For Natsu nii's contest! The contest rules state that everyone has to draw something within an hour's time. I got mine done with two minutes to spare. xD Don't ask where this came from, cause I have NO idea. I like chinese mountain scapes. And the color red seemed like a good idea.
I can't believe this popped out within an hour, I'm usually *extremely* slow. But I refrained from doing a lot of sketching that I normally do. xD
AkariTheDemon (Fan Art Portfolio)
58 minutes late

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- Created
- 07/15/10
- Category
- Personal Fan Art
- Tags
- akarithedemon, blood, brush, bunny, chinese mountains, little girl, natsunii, paint, painting, red, speed, speed paint
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- 5 votes
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- 4 members
- Member Dedication
- Everyone
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- On ThE cLoCk SpEeD ChAlLeNgE! XD
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