The game takes place three months after the events of Ōkami. In spite of Amaterasu's battle against the Dark Lord Yami, which would kill all the demons in Nippon, they return. The Konohana Sprite Sakuya, a character from the original Ōkami, summons the Sun God Amaterasu, but instead finds Chibiterasu, who looks like a young version of Amaterasu. Chibiterasu, as revealed by Matsushira, is, in fact, Amaterasu's child/daughter, as was previously speculated. Producer Eshiro noted that she is a "young form of existence" and not fully grown; she retains several abilities of Amaterasu, including the Celestial Brush, but lacks her power, which will be reflected in the plot and gameplay. Chibiterasu's partners will be incorporated into the main plot as well. One of the partners that accompanies Chibiterasu is Kuni, the son of Susano and Kushi, two characters from Ōkami. He was born after the events of Ōkami, and appeared in the ending of the first game. They did not reveal how Susano had a son in such a short amount of time, but stated that they would reveal it eventually.Other characters from Ōkami return, including Issun, Mr. and Mrs. Orange, and Sakuya. The game will feature locales from Ōkami as well as new areas to explore as part of its adventure.
Ōkamiden: Chiisaki Taiyō 大神伝~小さき太陽~: Ōkami Chronicles: Tiny Sun (C) CAPCOM Kuniomi Matsushita
Motohide Eshiro