2 out of 2 of my entries to the "theO Academic Uniform Design Ideas" by saekimidori!!
this one shows the boys uniform...I love how this is due tomorrow (such a procrastinator...although I'm sure there are people much worse)
well anyway, this is really plain and simple...I designed this based on the girls clothes and just omitted the ribbons and put in a tie and pants =3 the colors are based on the otaku website and I have an "O" on their tie and the otaku logo on their shirt...
side note: can't draw boys T_T they look horrible, right? don't look...the uniforms are the important part after all -_-
I didn't know if side/back views were required but I didn't draw them because the back and sides are pretty plain and kinda obvious if you see the front of it...I hope that doesn't dsqualify me =(
lastly, the boys are random...based on no one ^^