trafalgar law (Fan Art Portfolio) the legend of the sahara

the legend of the sahara
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◦When did you begin drawing?

well I began drawing at the age of four, basically at the time I got my first pencil in my hand I wielded it like a swordsman and then I started on a loose sheet to draw and a bird came out lol thus my passion for anything that flies
◦Did you create your own style or is it an inspiration/mixture of many different famous styles?

mmm I think its both its more like a mixture of my teachers and then I threw in some of my own talent although some of my works today are done hastily but when Ive got the time and patience to think accurately with I would like magic comes out
◦How long have you been sticking to your style?

mmm like any artist my skills develop with time and since I'm still young well no style has surpassed more then four months time
but since you are asking I've been sticking to the current style for like a year now and trying to evolve to a new stage
◦Are you satisfied enough to keep your style going far into the future or do you still think there is room for improvement?

like I said before my style is still an ongoing process, even my tastes do change alot as you can see from my drawings so I call myself as a developing student who doesnt know what limits are for development of skills... Once one of my mentors who I owe alot my style to said that " there is no time limit for development, previous artist give us knowledge but we are the once who will build on this knowledge and develope new ways to make art more vivid " I agree to it infact, everyone must since technology is developing and we are developing new skills with regards to animation and techniques... so yes there is still alot room for improvement

Personal Fan Art
desert, dragon, hot, legend, sunset
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