Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Another Nameless OC! XD

Another Nameless OC! XD
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This is another new OC with no name that would be in my so called 'Fighting' manga ish thingy...If that ever happened. And I actually thought of her more than most of my other characters...it just came to me suddenly.

Her design came to me in a dream...though it doesn't look like how I imagined it...O.o Hrmm...

Anyways, lemme tell you about her! She's half Chinese and half...something else...O.o She fights for China in a tournament thingy because she's more Chinese than whatever else she is...O.o (And she as born in China and speaks only Chinese...soooo...). When she was little she was injured in some kind of accident that was life threatening and was shredded, but they put her back together and gave her new hands, feet, and ears and fixed her brain damage and bunch of other stuff that I never really decided on because I'm not sure what kind of accident she could have gotten in...So basically she's a cyborg...O.o

She is anti-social and is not at all good with talking to people. So she seems like a total jerk and really negative. She just thinks everyone is her enemy except for a few that she respects, but she still doesn't know how to speak kindly...(because of brain damage, mon). But she's actually very kind, at least, she thinks kindly. Like she totally supports charities and is often donating to charities and she's saved several people's lives. But she can't really accept thank you's or anything properly...So she's very misunderstood.

And then about her design...Yeah...not really sure about the clothes or colours or anything (they were in my dream so...) but she's supposed to be a young girl (messed up on that part, I need to work on drawing little girls...>.>), but is actually much older than she looks. Also because of the accident it stunted her growth so she will forever look like a little girl...O.O And also because of her accident she went blind (there is a scar between her eyes because of this) and the things on the side of her face replace her ears and also help her see and think better so without those then she's like a vegetable...O.o

Her fighting style...ummm...Some kind of chinese fighting style...O.o I don't know, I gotta look up some stuff (I only know Aikido and Kenpo Karate...TT^TT).

And the pose...I failed at what I wanted to do...It was just a normal stance with her fits straight down...But I couldn't figure out what that looked like and I couldn't figure out how to look it up on the internet, so I just made something close to it as I could...TT^TT

Well, I think that's enough talking...Enjoy! ^ ^

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
fighter, nameless, oc
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