This is something I drew again, on the same day as BVB's new album WSTW's release.
Idk how to describe my idea for this picture very well...except for like someone wrote it to their love and before they could give it to them, they died..blood splattered on the note, and their love saw it and while he was crying, he remembered and found the roses he was going to give his love that day, but when he grabbed them he noticed that all but one had turned black..and while he was laying next to a river, trying to get away from the real world-trying to find some peace and quiet to comfort him a little-he recalled what he told his love; that he would love them until the last rose turned black or died..but he too ended up dying right there from sorrow and the blood splattered note ended up floating on the flowers down the river. The rose that was still red never died...and it continues floating down the river...
That's pretty much the story behind this...^^' I hope it makes some sort of sense...
Thanks ^^
~Take Care!~