I did this outta the blue one day. I had it traced and just up and did it. :-D
Done in Oil Pastel.
It's true, Art just happens. *chuckle!* :-)
I have never used oil pastel before this, and haven't since; so far.
I HOPE to be able to learn how to use oil pastel again. I LOVE the brilliant vibrant colors, :-D.
Well, hope you like it.
It was taken off a movie poster that David Hewlett did (of "Stargate Atlantis" fame :-D) called Treed Murray.
I'd always wanted to do a picture of a guy with his head bowed, all dark and depressing.
I finally happened across this Movie's poster and Voila'! I did it! :-D
The picture I've had in the back of my head for YEARS now, ever since I was a kid I think, is finally (somewhat if a BIT different) a reality :-D
Well, I'm not to sure what else to say about this one, so I'll just end it here.
Hope you like it. :-D