Took me about 50 minutes (I tried to use up the last 10, but I couldn't think of anything else to do). And it sooo looks like I tried to do it under a minute...'orz
Yeahhh...I can't do backgrounds...>.>
Yet I'm actually proud of this one! XD It looks the way I wanted to, how the background is all misty and blurry with the textures on top.
I kinda made this up while I did it...XD
I was listening to Kagrra and then I was like...what the heck I'll just make a kinda oriental picture...>.> Which are fun to do because I feel like I can make it more imaginative, for some reason...O.o And it was raining outside and it was all grey so I wanted to capture that feeling and put it into this.
And then as I did it some more it kinda started to remind me of Fire Emblem so I just made the windy-wind stuffs like the wind mages can use...('cept he has a wind crystal...O.o).
And his mouth is open because...he's...chanting?
I dunno, but I kinda like this, just the feeling.
Enjoy~! ^ ^