mickyodragon (Fan Art Portfolio) You are really good

You are really good
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Well this is it. Why does it always take me until last minute to get the idea.

Well I was reading through the challenge last night when the idea for this one came to my mind. It is a picture of when I decided to take my drawing searching. I was vary lonely as a young teen. So I ended up started doodling when ever I was bord. It started with just horses, and stick people. But then I got into Bayblade, and found out I could draw the characters rather accurate. So I did a lot of the bayblade style at first. Then my brothers and I got into Dragon Ball Z. So I began to try some of that style. I found it rather fun to be able to draw famous cartoons free hand. I kept finding new styles from Video Games like Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy. All the while just doodling.

People would see my pictures, and say I had talent. But I didn't really care that much about what they said. Then I ended up going to a family get-together with a bunch of my cousins. I got bored of all the games out side, so I came inside, and started drawing in the loft alone. That was when my cousin (Kyo) found me. He was just curious to what I was up to. I ended up showing him a few of my drawings. His eyes lit up as he observed every single one of them. He kept on saying I was really really good. His reaction was different from the others because he literary enjoying my pictures. At first I felt really embarrassed. But afterwards I really wanted to get better and better. So I could show him more. He in a since had given me a purpose that day. This picture shows that moment.

Soon after that I got in to Fruits Basket, and got a lot of my manga style from that. Then I also started reading the Inheritance trilogy. That got me to try drawing dragons. As the years passed my style evolved from the assortment of things that I drew. I started taking certain aspects of other artist style, and mixing them into my own. Plus, my cousin, and I started making a story together. So I was given the job of taking ideas from the world of the story, and making them visible on paper. Then last year I took a college corse in art that taught me to draw realisticly. After that my style shifted more in that drection. So my style is a mix of real, and manga.

Am I content with my style? NO!! I enjoy it, But I want to keep improving.

Were do I see my art in the future? I have no idea, but I know I want to keep on doing my best. I love drawing, and I love creating things from our imagination.

Hope that work thanks.

Personal Fan Art
art, cousin, drawings, friend, manga, me
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