kochou otome (Fan Art Portfolio) Kassiel

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Ugh, sorry, but prepare yourself for another long history. I am the co-author of this story with my best friend, Mimi. She has the OC Lissy, and my OC is Kass.

Kassiel has been alive for a very long time, doing as he wishes and having people clean up after him. He gets who he wants, what he wants, whenever he wants anything. But soon, that gets boring to him. He moves to a smaller town and enrolls in high school, and meets Lissy. She is the one girl he can't get immediately. And he wants her, bad. He finally get her to speak to him, and there is a little flirting, but clueless Lissy doesn't see anything more than that. Harmless, innocent flirting. But she stumbles upon Kassiel feeding on a girl in the girl's bathroom, and both their worlds turn upside down. She is captivated and horrified by him, trying not to feel for him. He is, after all, a monster. And yet, she can't help it. Kassiel takes her, not trusting that she can keep a secret. He is told he has to kill her, but can't bring himself too.

Lissy lives with her Uncle, the only relative drunk enough to take her in after her parents died in a plane crash. He hits her, leaving her with bruises she tries to hide. But when she runs away from Kassiel so her Uncle won't hurt her, Kassiel comes to find her. And when he knocks on the door, something in her uncle snaps. Because Lissy's uncle is an ex-vampyre hunter, who had gone after Kassiel for 30 years before Kass raked his fangs across his throat, almost killing him and forcing him to retire. He was the best of the best, hunting and killing vampyres for a living. And now the vampyre that took him out is taking his niece.

The vampyre hunters are after Kass again, after giving up for a while when he stopped killing and taking from people. All beautiful women. He even had the audacity to seduce and drink from the lead Hunter's wife. Lissy is taken and questioned by the Hunters, refusing to give Kass up.

I haven't quite got to the punch line yet, as the story is still developing.

Personal Fan Art
hunted, hunter, kass, kassiel, kochou, lissy, otome, vampyre
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