otakufangirl (Fan Art Portfolio) Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse

Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse
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AHHH. I just found out about this challenge a few days ago so I've been working on this so hard for the past few days XD
Here is Ruka(middle) Modoka(left) Misaki(right) and Sakuya(top) from Fatal Frame 4 :D
;_; you can't see all the detain I put into Ruka's dress on the bottom...stupid fog.

In Fatal Frame 4 you play as Ruka,Modoka, and Misaki who go to Rougetsu Island
where they had been kidnapped 10 years before hoping to retrieve their lost memories. They each find the mysterious camera obsucura which allows them to exorsise ghosts by taking a picture.
Watch trailer here Sorry it's in Japanese lol

Review: I love this game! Personally I think it's the scariest Fatal Frame yet. I have actually screamed while playing this game! The graphics are good and I I love the characters. You use the Wii remote to point your flashlight and aim your camera and if you flick the remote, you do a 180 degree turn! how handy is that when your fighting ghosts! There are new features put into the game as well. When you go to save, there is a shop so you can buy film and herbal medicine with you photo points! No more worrying about wasting all your film on a tough ghost when you can just got buy more! Anotehr new thing that I find really cool is that you hold down the A button to reach for something and if you let go, they pull their hand back. (example XD)
I am very dissapointed though that Nintendo decided that this game will never be released in North America. Thankfully, some fans hae banned together to make an english patch that you download onto an SD card and put in you Wii so you can play the Japanese version of the with their subtitles!

I gotta go now XD Maybe I'll come add mroe to the review when I get back lol

Enjoy! Comments and hugs are appreciated!

Fatal Frame Fan Art
camera, eclipse, fatal frame, ghost, lunar, mask, misaki, modoka, moon, obscura, ruka, sakuya, scarry
21 votes thumb
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Member Dedication
Game Illust.. *win premium*
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