I wasn't planning on submitting this ever... but there is a self portrait contest so why not xD
I made this picture for my drawing final for the end of first semester.. so about december i made it. The minimum size it could be was 3 ft by 3ft o_o so this thing is freaking huge.
I made mine 3ft by 4ft. I wanted my self portrait to be more vertical instead of a square. I think we were supposed to spend like 20+ hours on the project.. i think i spent about 10 o_o; woops..
So yeah here's a close up: http://i38.tinypic.com/9lihc1.jpg
Here's the whole image: http://i36.tinypic.com/349f3mq.jpg
This one is kinda distorted because i couldnt get a shot of it straight on.. i had it laying on the floor and there was no way i was getting it to hang on the wall ._.
So instead of using the larger image i took a picture of it inbetween the close up and the whole image, so here it is ^_^
The only main issue i have with it is that the face is too long, i made my nose wayyy too long T_T; oh well.. good enough for me.
Done with charcoal, plz comment/fav/hug ^^