I,myself (Fan Art Portfolio) Atlas chibi

Atlas chibi

Because I love him. Seriously. It's 2:00 in the morning. You're huddled in a corner hearing nothing but the groaning of sunken metal and the mad, mindless murmering of Waders, watching Mrs. Smith hack at the freshest Toasty corpse, waiting for the Little Sister to gather her newest angel, while Mary is reasured of the morality of it all over soggy, looping radio speakers; you're out of ammo and low on Eve, and the feel-good sound of the day is *shudders* the Circus of Values. Then the very simple, solid, steady, trustworthy voice.

Really, though. XD Atlas got to be so comforting for me. Because we do only play late at night. And I love that guy's voice! And his voice acting. He really does have a very solid, trustworthy voice. I mean, " I'm Atlas, and I aim to keep you alive."

"Take a deep breath and step out of the Bathysphere. I won't leave you twisting in the wind"

I don't care what anyone else says. Atlas is the best.

And yes, I know chibis are supposed to be cute, but oh well. There's a reason none of my chibis have faces. As you can see, I am incapable of drawing a chibi face. Chibi faces do not work with my style of chibi. I've thought about just erasing the face and letting him be like my others, but I had to put in his cleft chin. XD And I even kept his lazy eye. Because Atlas does have a lazy eye, I just did the wrong one. But you can see it if you look at his radio photo. Speaking of radio, that is as accurate as I could do for such a small drawing, (he's about 3 inches tall). Hair too, if you compare it to the photo.

BioShock Fan Art
atlas, bioshock, chibi, guide, gun, i, myself, pistol, radio
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