This was fun~! I did it twice! XD Well, first time I just did art, and I thought that was boring, so I just put in the stuff that I think influences me the most.
Sooo about the things that influence me...>.> From Right to Left, Top to Bottom
Maki Goto: My favourite singer ever siiince...I think I was 9? Maybe younger or older, I can't remember, but the minute I heard one of her songs I was like 'I love the singer!!' And ever since I've been her fan (not sure why anymore...O.o). I draw her a LOT and create characters similar to her or draw pictures of people wearing clothes similar to hers...most of my ideas are inspired by her. (And several times I've tried getting my hair cut like hers...O.o)
Lee Jung Hyun: Another one of my favourite singers. I don't know of any song of hers that I don't like besides 'Crazy'...O.o And I love her clothes, too! They're sooo inspirational so I'm often looking at her videos or something. Not to mention her dancing is AWESOME! O.O
Alan: Her music...just touches me...It's sooo beautiful! I love the traditional (looking) clothes that she wears and just her elegance. It's soo beautiful! TT^TT And every time I hear her music I want to go the extra mile on something, so it really motivates me.
capsule: LOVE ALL THEIR MUSIC!! And I am TOTALLY influenced by these guys (why isn't their square bigger!?). I make several designs inspired by Toshiko's many different looks and I try to get my hair like hers. So many things have been inspired by this band...O.O
AAA: Favourite band~!! Love them to DEATH! I try to draw lots of pictures of them, buuut...bands are hard to draw (those darn group pictures). Their songs and energy makes me want to do so many things and it always brightens up my day. This is why I'm never actually sad or mad (just random times when I'm mad).
Gackt: If I'm ever drawing a picture of somebody who's male I always look at AT LEAST one picture of Gackt-sama. And I often listen to some of his songs, they never get old. He's just incredibly way...O.o
Visual Kei (Alice Nine): Visual Kei in general really influences me, but I look at a LOT of Alice Nine pictures and I listen to their music (which makes me want to draw visual kei), so for me, they stand for visual kei (though in my mind I don't think of them as THAT much visual kei compared to others...XD).
Ayami Kojima: Every time I see her art I feel like I'm shot with inspiration. Of course, I never actually draw anything inspired from her art (maybe sometimes...O.o Not that I notice...), but her art really make me want to draw and just gets my imagination running.
Hyung-tae Kim: I look to him for colouring inspiration. My colouring style is influenced by him a little bit.
King of Fighters (Nona): I look at KoF pictures for EVERYTHING. And I particularly look at Nona's art, because of the amazing job with the anatomy and colouring. My colouring style is HEAVILY influenced by Nona (if anybody can tell...XD).
End of Evangelion: Lots of NGE fans were really annoyed by this movie, but this movie made me love NGE even more and SOO made me want to create something really interesting. It's the most inspirational movie I've ever seen even if they weren't trying to make it that way...O.o There needs to be more incredibly inspirational movies like this, they don't even need a point or explain anything (might get terrible reviews, but the watchers won't realize that they're totally inspired by it).
Berryz Koubou: Every time I create a new character I always look at Berryz Koubou for inspiration...for some reason...O.o So many of my characters are probably based off of them in some way...'orz
Shugo Tokumaru: HAVE YOU HEARD HIS MUSIC!? How could I NOT put him on here!? Every time I hear his music I go into another world. And every time I really want to write something or draw something really creative. It gives me so much creativity, maybe because Shugo Tokumaru is such a creative genius.
Kusunoki Rinka: Go read Shirokuro Kitan if you haven't. This style and all the designs, they're just like fuel for my imagination. I may not know what's going on sometimes, but I keep thinking about it...And just staring at the it takes me a long time to read Shirokuro Kitan...'orz
Sound Horizon: I want to write an fantasy novel now...TT^TT Wonderful's...just...soooo much love...I don't know what else to say, but I can't help, but love Sound Horizon to death...
Kaori Yuki: I was surprised to notice that I really am influenced by Kaori Yuki. Not THAT influenced, but I keep wanting to write something similar to hers, or read something like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland or Grimm's Fairytales.
Ayumi Kasai: My favourite artist~! She has such a GORGEOUS style...I can stare at her pictures FOREVER...O.O There was a time where I drew like her for a little while, and then I slowly developed into the style I have now...So I guess I AM influenced by her art, even if my art looks nothing like hers anymore...XD
Takanashi Mitsuba: I LOVE HOW SHE DRAWS BOYS!! TT^TT And I think the way I draw boys is kinda similar, so I guess I was influenced by her, even though I haven't stared at her art as much as other artists...O.o
Alice in Wonderland: I've always loved this ever since I was really little and I love it even more after reading the book. I keep making things based off of Alice in Wonderland. It'll never get out of my mind! O.O
Vocaloid: Actually don't like the song 'Magnet'...but the picture was pretty...XD I'm not sure who my favourite Vocaloid is...I like all of them...XD Except Miku Hatsune and Rin Kagamine sometimes....Sometimes their voices are REALLY annoying..."orz Something about Vocaloid and the music 'n stuff is incredibly inspirational...I often find myself listening to it...XD
Hell Girl: Maybe I shouldn't have made this one so big...buuut...couldn't think of anything else that influenced me as much as the others that I put. Hell Girl is my favourite anime. How does it influence me? I'm not really sure...O.o But I've done a TON of fanart for this compared to other anime (not as much as Naruto, but that's in the past). Everything about the anime makes me....happy...
Hmrmm...none of these really have anything in common...or don't seem to...O.o
I don't have one love for area of stuff...I like old manga and new manga, old anime and new anime, old bands and new bands, jpop and jrock and kpop and electro-pop, shibuya-kei and visual kei and gyaru, futuristic stuff and victorian stuff and medieval stuff, traditional stuff and modern stuff...I love a lotta things...XD