artypants1017 (Fan Art Portfolio) Peter Pan improvement

Peter Pan improvement
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the O made it all small and stuff, so if you can't see it, and want to see it bigger here:

This is on my other art account and hopfully you like.

From a scale of 1-10, how have you improved in quality/skill?Why?
idk, i guess an 8?

How has your understanding of art techniques and such developed?
it comes narturally

What have you learned?
I've learn how to make my poeple look like people.
like how to make an outline/ box people (as I call them)
I've learned about hand sizes, and differences of hands in male/female.
Like the size of your hand is the size of your face (yeah i know "hahaha, very funny I know that, if it's bigger then your face you have cancer! nice try" no but really, your hands as big as your face.
And female/male fingers are different. female's ring finger is longer then their pointer finger, and male's aren't.

What inspired you to improve?
back when I was in forth grade there was this girl who's always got good compelments on her art and she's won an art contest in our class. and I'd always have something to make me, modivaded. and when I has walking down the hall I saw her drawings on the wall with other people. and this one 7th grader (at the time) drew this girl, who looked so really, it looked like it was a carama picture. and I've alwayed wanted to draw just like that (epic fail) Any tips for those wishing to improve themselves

honstely. no. to me. you can't get tips for art. Art is ... art. if you want to improve you have to believe in yourself that you can, and tell your self you will. Art is for expressing how you see things in life. and it doesn't matter HOW it's drawn, it morely matters on WHO drew it. because everyone is great at art and no one shouldn't tell you that you can't do anything that you want to do.

Peter Pan Fan Art
captain hook, pan, peter, peter pan, wendy
13 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
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