This is my entry to the "Your Own Trading Card!" Challenge.
The card format was based on the Touhou Project Spellcards (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody and Hisoutensoku) but with an addition of the flavor text below. This link shows how the original card looks like. Also, this card is sold for real (had to buy one on eBay but went late...) and hard to find especially if you're planning to buy on the net or on anime conventions (consider yourselves lucky if you found one!)
First off, this is my original character Kiara Arevallo and she's from my so-called "cancelled" fanfic.
The red text on the upper right is the skill name (my apologies if it's in Japanese, actual name is Soushou Reppa) with the hiragana on the top on the Kanji, then the lower right shows the cost of the skill (the number is not 11, this is just a failed Roman Numeral 2 that I made...but I can do a custom numbering).
Lastly, this was made up on Paint.NET. Color pencils were used in this work.