I thought it was time for a new ID over at dA, so I decided to practice some more Manga Studio with it. ^^ Gah, still much to learn!
This is me--very stylized, obviously--as I am at home, at least in the summer. All comfy in my glasses instead of contacts, hair clipped up (it can get warm upstairs in my study), and in a big, old T-shirt. The last is not just for comfort but also because of my cat. And I do actually have the same piercings as my OC Vane. That's how I came up with his, after all. ^^
Bleh, it's so much easier to draw a character from scratch than to try to draw a real person in manga style! This drawing is so off! OTL And I don't mean just the inking and screentones. Back to drawing my OCs instead!