:O I've had this done for a while but haven't submitted it.XD
I figured I would add it to this contest.
This is one of my OCs who is NOT part of Lost and Found (what?! Those exist?!?!).
XD She's had a couple different names in different circumstances. :)
Basically, she's a little bit of a rebel. Her dream as a child was to join the circus, so eventually she did for fun. XD Since she has a big nose, she does her trapeze routine with wings on and passes it off as "flying".
She also has a pet Quetzal!!:D
I always kind of imagined her as a reimagination of a Quetzal so I hope this works for the contest~!
So...yeah! This was taken from a REALLY old sketch actually @__@ I just fixed it some when I scanned it in!
Hope you like~
<3 Emi