Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Penicillin

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Moar realism~! :D

I REALLY wanted to do a picture of Hakuei from Penicillin 'cause he looks like somebody outta a manga. No, actually, '90's manga...the male pretty boy (or just male in general) characters look like Hakuei...O.O;

This is sad...this picture...'cause you're looking at it now thinking 'Oooh, this is pretty good' but then you see the reference picture I used:

reference picture

Yeahhh...everything is off..."orz

I'm not good at copying things...Heyyy, I can do realism, but that doesn't mean it's actually gonna look like the picture I referenced. Not that I went too hard into trying to copy this..O.o; Just enough to make it look a bit real.

Noww, I was gonna do a picture of BORN...buuut...the one I've been looking at, is mostly black...soooo I'm gonna have to choose another picture to practice with.

I wanna do G-Dragon, but he's so hard! TT^TT Visual kei is VERY easy 'cause they're probably heavily photoshopped and their skin is so white. The hard people are the pop ones...TT^TT

Enjoy~! ^ ^

And go listen to Penicillin or look up more pictures or something. You'll be amazed (if you've read any manga from the '90's that has a young teen pretty boy in it).

Other Music Fan Art
hakuei, penicillin, realism
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