Alchemic Mushroom (Fan Art Portfolio) Panty Parade!

Panty Parade!
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Panty Parade!
Rated (Pg-13)
Contains mild violence, crude humor, and suggestive themes.

Natalya Charnetskaia as the Grand Duchess of Perovskia!
Nikifor Sokolovskii as the bloomer thief!
Sir Alistair as the Black Knight!

The royal family of Imperial Perovskia went missing several hundred years ago after the reformation, but no one knew it because the church kept the kingdom steady. In 1851, the Grand Duchess, Natalya, appeared from the realm of the Genuine Existence, and decided to revive the royal family. She threw a number of parties, banquets, and balls, and her up coming event is the extravagant Perovskian Parade!
As Natalya gets ready for the parade, she decides to wear her favorite pair of bloomers, but she discovers them missing! There is only one person in the castle who would steal her underwear, and she's willing to use her greatest weapon to get them back. Natalya orders Sir Alistair, her Black Knight, to help her retrieve the stolen bloomers from Nikifor, a mischievous servant boy who crushes on Natalya.
They go through Nikifor's pranks and puzzles, but will they find Natalya's bloomers in time for the parade? Or will she have to settle with another pair?

I wanted something cute and different with the plot, but I like it so much that I might actually add it as a chapter in The Petite Affairs of Natalya!
Since I can't stand teenage boys, I designed Nikifor Sokolovskii to represent them. He gets beaten up alot by the knights (especially by Sir Alistair) because no one likes him, but he likes Natalya. Nikifor always teases Natalya, whether for her big eyes or her taste in ruffly clothes, and this angers Alistair to the point of hatred because he adores Natalya and wants to protect her.

Regarding the art, I always wanted to draw her in her panties, and I liked how it turned out! Those things on her feat are slippers.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bloomers, bonnet, corset, cute, green, lace, lolita, natalya, panties, parade, ribbon, ruffles, sparkles, white
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