This was for my sister's 20th Birthday about a week ago :)
I had a ton of fun with it, but it took me eight hours to do the whole thing. INKING SUCKS D:< But it's nice, 'cause it makes coloring so much easier.
This is the first time I've put this much effort into a picture...The first of many, I hope!
My problem is that it takes so long to do, and my parents won't let me on the computer that long... -3- lol, I'm still such a little kid.
My little sister was like,"Whoa...WHOAAA IT'S LIKE YOU'RE...I REAL MANGA ARTIST! A REALLL ONE!!! >o< " It was cute. xD
Aaanyway, I'm hoping to do some more Halloween pictures at some point, but don't count on it. xD
Happy veryveryvery early Halloween!
Dedicated to Twilightaholic for making yummy looking chibis xD
On a side note, I feel so happy when I see my artwork in the banner, but at the same time I'm noting all the mistakes >_> ughhh