Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Improvement?

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For jeweloflife's Prove Your Improvement challenge. I chose to do one of my older SAI pictures to show how much I've improved using SAI.

From a scale of 1-10, how have you improved in quality/skill?Why?

6? Well, it's not that fantastic of improvement...but then again...the span of time between the two isn't very large...O.o; My colouring on SAI is still pretteh bad..."orz

How has your understanding of art techniques and such developed?

Before I thought anything done on SAI was instant art, now I realize what good colouring is and what bad colouring is. I've finally realized how to actually do lineart, and I'm not doing a softer lineart to make the lines look especially good. Before I just slapped something on to the character for clothes, it they didn't really look like clothes, I've started making more contrast on the wrinkles part of the clothing.

What have you learned?

I've learned how to draw eyes~! :D And how to position the face and where the ear is supposed to be on the face. I've also learned to look at real life as a reference for drawing. I've also learned how to draw hands (I thank my own hands~! X3).

What inspired you to improve?

I've always wanted to improve, but looking at other people's art made me want to improve even more. Especially people on MB and DA...certain people..their art kills me! IT'S SOO GOOD! I want to get so good I'm at their level or even higher, so I force myself to practice even if I'm lazy! >:D

Any tips for those wishing to improve themselves?

REACH FOR THE STARS, MON~! Seriously, setting REALLY REALLY high goals for yourself is very good. If you're just starting out, tracing pictures, as bad as it sounds for you to do, it actually really helps you because then you know where to place certain things. Just don't post it as art, 'cause that's not art, that's tracing.

Look at life for reference, but you usually won't think about that unless you really start being observant.

Don't give up EVER! A lot of people start out with REALLY REALLY terrible art, and the people who don't probably went to art school as a child or something. Keep working really hard, draw everyday, practice everyday, even if you feel like you're not improving, you really are! >:D


Once again it seems like I've forgotten how to colour hair. I can do it once...but not again..."orz The hand looks really weird, too...O.o; Hey, but that's how my own hand looked....sooo...>3>

Personal Fan Art
comparison, improvement, new, old
11 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
infinatelove42 artypants1017 jeweloflife Ellenor Mererid nosheep13 aliceoblivious
Member Dedication
Prove Your Improvement
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