Leonskey (Fan Art Portfolio) ParaBellum: Uprising Movie poster

ParaBellum: Uprising Movie poster
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Movie Information

Name:Parabellum: Uprising

Genre:Action,SciFi,Military Drama

Rating:R For Exessive Violence, Tobbaco use, Sexual Themes, Manly Tears and Remarkable Sheer force of will.

"Six years ago, War Ravaged Our World, and our Governments United To Fight a Common Enemy. Us. Mutants. Or At least the Rouge Ones, Ones That wanted Nothing more then . That was The first time I held a Gun..."

In a World where Mutants, and Genetic Engineering Are Commonplace,
21 year Old Shonji Hayakawa Is no Stranger to Conflict. As a Young Mutant, He spent Most of his Life Either in Training Facilities or Testing Centers Until he Found His Purpose at Age 15. Dog Of the United Government, (In More ways than one.)

An Exceptional Soldier; He And His Close Friend and Medic Mitsuki Itou Lead a Special Squad, Of like Minded Mutants, Trained In the Most Dangerous of Missions, To Ensure That They can stop Rouges of their Kind.

However, A New Enemy Has Shown himself as Being a Force Alone Unlike any of them have seen before. A Terrorist Mutant Known only as "The Nightwatchman" Intends To Create a Campaign of Destruction against The United Government. And what's Worse... He's Building an Army Under Something Called "Project Orion"

Against this Enemy Shonji will team up Others such as the Lovley Merc Hinara, The Enigmatic Super Soldier Yami and the FNG Gav. They will Uncover Secrets about The Military that Were thought Long Forgotten and Hidden.

Who is this "Nightwatchman?" And How Does His Past Coincide With Shonji's more than he realizes? What is "Project Orion"? What Else is being Hidden From The Young Soldiers Eyes? And What Secrets Could Shonji be Hiding from his Peers?

THE SAGA BEGINS, July 8th 2012


This Was So much Fun to do. I'm so Glad i actually finished something for a change. Some of the characters Surnames are stand ins, Because I Didn't Have Surnames for them yet.

So yeah, I wanna make more of these posters eventually, for sequels.
I had to cut out a lot of Story information here, so hopefully I can get some comic pages up soon.

The toughest part had to be the Text. Seriously. My pc is so slow, it took like an hour to get all of it up and processed.

Resources used:
Paint tool Sai
Left 4 Dead Poster PSE Templete (can be found on google)
Adobe Photoshop Elements 7
Various Fonts from DAFONT.com

Personal Fan Art
gav, hinara, mitsuki, shonji, yami
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