Yesterday i was here and saw that no one had entered the Hetal-oween! contest by wuzzle320..! D:
it made me feel bad that no one had entered their first contest...
so i hurried and started it during first hour this morning...! >_<
i told nino to try to make the deadline too. comeon nino!!
... i know i'd be sad if no one entered my first contest... :(
anyway, sorry it looks so rushed wuzzle320. *sweat drop* was a busy one... o_o"
hetalia's a bunny --of course! ;3
japan looks a little... off... but i figured he'd make a good wizard
and germany stumpped me! he was gonna be batman or something but my brain died and couldn't remember..! so yeah.. germany's a burglar. (that seems about right, haha)
hetalia has a soft spot in my heart. red heads gotta stick together! ^_^
prussia's cool too~