So I took a schoolwork doodle and made a cartoony thing.
The character is Wendy Kittenspit, a witch who, when conjuring particular vats of charms and doom, cannot tell eye of newt from garlic powder. She is an absolutely terrible witch, so when you're with Wendy, being transformed into a giant onion will most certainly be the least of your problems.
She is from a Halloween-inspired story of mine. A story that just so happens to include 2 characters that have already appeared in my gallery, Ulrich the vampire and Nerissa the humanoid mermaid.
I think Wendy is one of the easier/more fun characters to draw from the story. :) She's just so silly.
Media: Pen + PSCS4
Time: 1-1.5 hours.
Inspiration: Wishery - Pogo.
PS: I hope I can upload cartoony-things of more characters from the story... Yeek! Stay tuned (or not), folks!