This is me at this moment (or the past few days/weeks even) because I'm still waiting for the result of an exam which I took on the 29th of October~___~ They have until this Friday (November 26) to post them...D: And you know how that goes, the longer ago you've had the exam, the more you're starting to think that you failed it...D:
- My hair is slightly longer, slightly curlier, and has a slightly different colour, in real lifeXD
- Yes, that is what my glasses look like. Purple and orange frames, just like this.
- Those are the exact clothes (and necklace and gloves) I was wearing when I started this:D (Well, a poor representation of them, reallyXDDD)
- Quality isn't very good^^; But I did a very quick sketch first and then touched it up a little (all digital)
- The background represents nervousness and confusion:P
- That book lying on the 'desk' is a study book, lol, how obvious is that? But here's the thing:
Can you guess what's on the two pictures?:D I will give a card request to whoever guesses both pictures right, and a giftie to whoever guesses one correctly or is close enough for both. Geddit?:D Get guessing:P (I thought this would be fun)
Time taken: about 2 hours
Done in: PS 6.0 with pen tablet
Refs: well, my own reflection in the mirror, like durrr:D
Dedicated to: JapaneseTeddyBear, for hosting the challenge^^