Okay, another quick doodle, but it fits the theme X3 This is for mission #6. To draw our charrie in a vocaloid song that suits them. And I picked Len's "No Thank You"
Pretty much where Len went on a rampage where all he wanted to do was play with his road roller X3 So he wouldn't sing.
And It suits Abbie X3 He's fed up with being called "adorable" and "shota." He's tired of being disrespected by kids younger than him treating him like a kid. He's tired of getting the crap beaten out of him by me ( XD;; ) But most inmportantly... Abbie won't sing because you all aren't giving him enough snacks! XD Lol XD
To see the original video, You Can Go Here~
I may color this one too X3 But not just yet~ Hope you like his chibiness (OMG, I think this is my first chibi Abbie drawing I've uploaded! D=)