Chel the Bell (Fan Art Portfolio) Year Long Progress

Year Long Progress
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Progress? Is that apporpriate? I feel I have only gotten worse... AUGUST WAS MY PEAK.
Anyway I see some of this type of things floaty around on dA and was like "I want to make one!" but I never use dA because it's for pretenious knw-it-alls who think they are better than everyone (That and it's scary with all those people who are better than me, let me get to the top here first~). So yeah. Made this. Let's talk about my art now YEAH?!
Januar: The beginning. I made a promise to myself to draw everyday. That quickly turned into "At least one thing a month". For this month I pick my "Ming being a school girl" picture. I like the coloring on it~

Februar: Blah, this in that. I give you the feet from "Lucy in the Sky". I was really proud of it when I drew it, but looking back... It's not that good ORZ

Maerz: Nothing guys. All I had was ugly stuff. A picture of my three main squeezes (female OCs), Cornelious, Clorinda, and Evryn Lucile Jones. I don't think I drew them much after that though... (OK so it's evren, but Evryn looks cooler so changin' it).

April: Yeah think this was full of garbage too. Drew this new OC, but I forgot her name, No wait, it's Zoe. But yeah. Haven't draw her since. But she's a fun gal. Maybe my secret inspiration for ZoomZoom.

Mai: BlahBlah. Windmill picture was probably the best. I don't think there was much this month either. Spring is obviously a bad time for me. The coloring is rather lazy even if it's more detailed then normal.

Juni: Lots of cool stuff this month. After graduation so I had lots of time. Choose Kozai who won me a contest (Which I still haven't recieved a prize for *hinthint*). Bah while it may not be the best thing ever, it's still pretty cool. And I love Kozai, so there's that.

Juli: Not so much stuff? I don't remember. Still summer so I had tons of time to draw~. My first and only fanart of the year. I'm still on that Bakuman high~.

August: BAH! THIS MONTH! The pride of my art career. The one and only Swedish Fishin'. This is probably my favourite picture I've ever drawn. Still to this day I'm proud to show it off. It's cute, dynamic, fun. I just love it. Makes me want to make children's books.

September: Not so much stuff, the start of the down fall. I notice everything this month faced left and there was a focus on legs. But I picked a Kozai picture. I liked it because I was trying a different style. I like it.

Oktober:Eh, not much here. Took a pic from the colour scheme challenge. No one ever noticed that it was Beatles themed. So now I'm letting you know. It's Beatles themed. Notice the Yellow Submarine?

November: Nothing man. Nothing once again. A picture I've never showed y'all. A character I developed for a potential comic idea. I'm actually rather iffy on it.

Dezember: While not over, I still picked a picture for it. There's bond to be more pictures, but I decided to use this one. A version of my MS Paint girl face. I blended it mostly. Made some changes here and there.
I like the name of the font... It's Estrangelo Edessa. Estrangelo~ I pronounce it like "eh-strangle-o" which is probably totally wrong. But it makes it fun to say.

I'd also like to say some months it was hard to pick something. Actually most months. Some because there were alot of good drawings, some because there were none.

Also y'all should totally do one, Huh huh?

Category Fan Art
2010, months, progress, year long
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1 member Favoritefavorite
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