Work-about 4 nights and 99 layers. Color with a mouse because I'm an idiot and lost both my tablet pens.
So this started life as a couple of sketches of Ki and Sral in my notebook while listening to Lolitabot. Tried to design Lolita inspired outfits that reflected the two characters tastes in clothing.
Then I decided to draw it (on paper. I don't like computer lines...) and then I messed up the lines so, I tried to make it lineless, but after that's taking forever I remember there's an easier way to do that. Some of the lines still look a little funky, but I'm pretty sick of messing with it by now.
I think Sralia made the outfits and forced Ki into hers and now she's dragging Ki around much to Ki's aggravation.
Hopefully next thing won't take me as long, I think I'm just outta practice with doing more then sketching XD