Referenced and inspired by this interview with Kamijo:
I think almost everybody can agree with me that you got chills when he blew away a piece of lint...XD
I dunno what a gentleman would do...O.o; Well, I think Kamijo is probably the perfect gentleman...XD He's overly prince-like...O.o;
The background was fun to do...the chair was fun to draw, not so fun to colour..."orz I actually did this twice 'cause the pose is hard...I took a screenshot of that above interview so I could draw the pose better...
Yes, I know what you're thinking, his head looks too big. Well, as I just said, I used a screenshot from that part as reference...and...Kamijo has a BIG head...I had to keep shrinking it, it was so large...O.o; That or the rest of Kamijo's body is so incredibly thin...O.o;
I made it more magical than just lint, it's LIGHT~! :D Nah, sometimes lint looks pretty in the light...O.o;
The sky through the windows originally had a clouds in can't see them anymore...(After lots of editing).
Enjoy~! ^ ^