BEHOLD... the EYES!!!!!! Whenever I get bored i'll doodle an eye or two just cuz they're easy to draw, then if i like it, i'll tear off that part of the paper only and just keep it. I didn't know where to put them cuz they were just small pieces so i would toss them in a little drawer by my desk. One day i was looking for something and it hit me, "i have a small white drawer full of eyes..."
(...i am such - a - FREAK!!!
) So, as soon as possible, i took all my favorites and copied them onto one page and VWA-LAA!
This was born!!! I hope u likes!!!!
Oddly enough though, i didn't throw out the individual pieces, *laughing* THEY'RE STILL IN MY DRAWER!!! *shrug* (once i draw something i like, i never wanna let it go cuz chances are, i won't be able to remake it again! )