ONE. This was, like, the luckiest Secret Santa EVER. Seriously. Right before I got assigned my person, I subbed to her and she subbed to me, and we had a Big Bang Theory geek-out. And then I got the message for Secret Santa and I got Wata and I was so happy! 8D
TWO. OMG, I THINK THIS IS ONE OF THE GREATEST THINGS I'VE EVER DRAWN, EVER. I put so much detail into this thing. I think in the end, I had fourteen different layers, opposed to the normal three or four. Yeeeah.
I am SO happy with how this came out. The Jisbon pose was pretty hard, but I think it turned out okay! I tried some different coloring things with the tree, and I'm very happy with that too. And the window! I adore how the window came out, I'm so happy. I just love it oialsdkfjadf
I know it's a little early, but this is for my buddy *WataDrag (over on dA), for the secret santa in the group #Mentalist-fans! Have Cho-self a merry little Christmas, or whatever holiday you might be celebrating!