Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Raine and Aberius

Raine and Aberius
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A present for Kitty K.O.~!

I was kinda nervous when posting this 'cause...I dunno if I have to do something to post this...like tell her or something...O.o;

It's of her two characters Raine (the Ralts) and Aberius (the Absol). I like them as a pair so I drew something like this. Not too dramatic or anything, just kind simple and sweet. And since it's winter (and it should be cold outside) I made it have to do with the cold. I have some clothes like Raine, and THEY DO NOT KEEP YOU WARM AT ALL. In fact, sometimes it feels like you're not wearing anything...I have those big pant things....and...so much cold air gets in there...I don't even know why I still have them (they're becoming see-through), and then short sleeves on top of that. She must be freezing. So I made Aberius give her his jacket.

Now, wouldn't he be freezing? And he's even warming her hands...I put tears in her eyes just to make it seem like she was probably freaking out because she was so cold so Aberius decided to warm her up in some way.

I just realized I didn't define the blush...'orz

Oh, well, I hope you like it Kitty K.O. and Merry Christmas~! X3

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
aberius, kitty k.o., raine
12 votes thumb
6 members Favoritefavorite
Sweet Lullaby Kitty K.O. Naomi Bear krokun
Member Dedication
Kitty K.O.
Holiday Gifts
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