sasuke sarutobi4 (Fan Art Portfolio) Negami Saika

Negami Saika

This was my oc for a rpg me and my friend made. In order for me to tell you about her Id hafta explain the rpg, so here is a bried summary:
Note:Me and my friend havent played the rpg in a loooong time, so I forgot a lot of stuff, but I will do my best to explain.

Negami Saika(my character)and Neniji{last name???}(my friends character) are your normal high school couple. Until demons decide to visit their school and the surrounding city. The demons terrroize the students and civillians, but they can only be seen by a chosen few, so the disasters they create are noted as supernatural(or unknown) by the humans. Luckily enough for them, Negami and Neniji are two of the chosen, and it is their destiny to send the demons back to where they came from.
Its not enough to fight the demons as regular humans, the god and goddess of the moon(who in our rpg are bro and sis) want a piece of the action. However, the gods cant enter the human world as they are, they hafta have a medium, a human body. And the only way for the gods to go into a human is if the human makes contact with the moon, the only contact, to look at the moon.
When Negami or Neniji look at the moon they become mexmerized and stare at it uncontrollably without really knowing why.Thats when the gods have the chance to invade their body. The gods then can controll them.
The moon goddess Tsukiyomi invades Negami and the moon god Soma invades Neniji.

The backstory for Negami is that she comes from a family of gunmen(yes Samurai Warriors fans, the Saika renegades and Magoichi) She lives with her father, who retired from gunning when Negami was born because her mother died when she gave birth to her. Negami is an only child. When she finds out about how Tsukiyomi(who I just realized I have to draw) can controll her and how she has to fight the demons, she is furious and refuses to believe it. Her mind is changed when the demons follow her home after a battle with them and kill her father.

Forgot a lot about Neniji cuz he isnt my char, but heres waht I know. He's the laidback, flow with it kinda guy who likes sake a littletoo much.Thats about all I know.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
oc, saika
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