this is for the contest Next Generation Organization! by Alazne Chan
(design new characters)
i've been meaning to submit it for a while now, but i haven't had much time with my computer lately... -__-" ..oops..
when i was drawing him my family units were giving me a hard time because his hair makes him kinda look feminine...
(that's just how i draw people...*sweat drop*)
breif expaination! xD
his name is morxin-
he treats everyone like scum and fights only for himself. (typical narcissist)
he screams like a girl! >:D -jk, just wanted to throw that in -_-+ keh..
fights with... a giant spikey mace...? that seems about right
ability- fast regeneration and gorgeous hair flips v_v
likes- himself (obviously), rich chocolate cake and people who listen to what ever he says (most of which is nonsense)
dislikes- the world,messy/gross things, shojo mangas, children, puppies... ect
does that about sum it up? 6_6"