kyouyarenge (Fan Art Portfolio) Shola the Sharpedo!

Shola the Sharpedo!
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FINALLY! I got this uploaded! Sorry, I kind of got lazy with the picture... didn't feel like coloring skin, since she's pale, didn't do much shading... yeah... BUT AT LEAST I GOT HER PICTURE UP!

Also, sorry if she looks... tired. I tried putting her black marks under her eyes, but she looked old and sleepy, so I put them beside her eyes. But I did it really heavy the first time, so it never fully erased. >.<

Here's her profile:

Pokemon: Sharpedo

Name: Shola

Age: 19

Hair color: Royal blue

Hair length: about arm pit length, parted to the right, with a perminant cowlick

Eye color: black where humans have white, and then red irises

Skin tone: pale

Type of Pokemon: Water/Dark

Gender: female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 118lbs

Held item: Deep Sea Tooth

Relationships: none currently

Attacks: Crunch, Ice Fang, Bite, Skull Bash

Personality: Cool, calm, but gets angered easily, has some anger issue problems, and will attack without warning

Hometown: N/A

Likes: swimming (very fast!), water, biting things, people who don't get on her nerves (which are very rare)

Dislikes: People who bug her (which is a LOT of people... <.<), fire, heat

Fears: Dehydration, fire, thunder and lightning

Weaknesses: Electric, Bug, Fighting, and Grass types

Strengths: Ghost, Steel, Water, Fire, Ice, and Psychic types

Full Outfit: White long sleeve shirt, with royal blue sleeves, jeans, and royal blue sneakers, royal blue, fingerless gloves

Looks: Has a flexible dorsal fin coming out the back of her head with two notches in it, pointy teeth that grow back when broken, two black marks beside her eyes. Has a half blue half white, tail like thing in her lower back that helps her when she swims, and a yellow X across her nose.

Background: Doesn't have her memory from about a year ago



Pokemon Fan Art
gijinka, pokemon, sharpedo, shola
10 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
PGR littlepooch animelover7310 Otomi Babii
Member Dedication
Otomi Babii
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