keeksta (Fan Art Portfolio) Penelope Henrietta-Esmell VonRosen the Third

Penelope Henrietta-Esmell VonRosen the Third
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Penelope, as a young girl, could always use her powers. And instantly knew of them at birth. When she was 11 her parents found out about it and pushed her away from them shortly before dying. Cold and alone in the woods the circus picked up the already half insane girl. Out of boredom she would randomly stab her finger tips, drawing blood, with anything she could find. After every finger tip was bleeding she would write things on walls such as: 'They're coming', 'In the end is your end', other senseless babble and the Japanese character meaning death. After doing so she would burst out into insane laughter and would not stop, unable to be stopped, until she had no energy left.

Soon she began to have an obsession of knifes, realizing that she had a skill with them. Being able to hit wherever she wanted. Being able to manipulate it in mid-air was also very impressive. This is when she started with her circus act. But as she aged she slowly turned insaner. Eventually she became too insane to act; throwing knives at random audience members and letting them draw blood before pulling them back to her, stabbing herself with the knife and covering the audience with her own blood and last of all writing unnerving things all over the tent in blood. The circus cancelled her show and forced her to stay in hiding. But they couldn't keep her away...

That's her story. If you're interested :P
She's for an rp. I couldn't find a picture that was right so I drew one myself. Also, a side note, she ripped out her own eye out of boredom 0w0
But yesh. It's not fantastic. But it'll do the job ^.^

Personal Fan Art
esmell, henrietta, insane, penelope, the, third, vonrosen
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