Ryo or Demon (Fan Art Portfolio) Des Bebes

Des Bebes
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FINALLY! My first ever complete Photoshop piece, EVAR! @_@ Honestly, this took me, like, weeks of working a few hours every other day to complete. I'm still trying to figure out how to exactly use Photoshop, which is probably why this is kind of a flat piece without the speshl effects and stuff. ^^"

Called Des bebes, but it's alternate name was "Banner of the Crimson House"

Alera has a very forgiving calm personality. I've always imagined her to be this soft-spoken, kindhearted woman.
BUT ALAS, This is Alera, the Prophetess and her sons. In short, her story is that she was married into the Razada House, her soul purpose to bear children and be Kain's personal Prophetess, though she had status equal to Kain's.
Unfortunately, her first child born is a female, and therefore useless, though still accepted into the House of Crimson. Alera then gave birth to two boys, identical twins, though one twin is orn with unusual green eyes in a House where only red-eyed people are born and raised. But because she's equal to Kain, she convinces him to let the green-eyed twin live, under her constant protection.
But then Alera is also a prophetess, and knows she will perish soon, and convinces Kain to allow the green-eyed twin to live beyond her own death, even if he becomes a slave.

Sorry, I'm extremely paraphrasing this whole story bit, I just wanted to explain becauseI have an odd facinascion with Alera. She's someone I don't feel like drawing very often, because for some reason, I feel like I SHOULDN'T, but this seemed like the only appropriate scene to draw first off on Photoshop. >< This was probably one of the best things I've ever drawn. It took at least 20 layers, my record.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
alera, bebes, demon, des, leo, ryo
12 votes thumb
12 members Favoritefavorite
littledreamer2846 Sabriela Hellena VampireGod kennysama Kaijin89 cheriblosomchibi Mistress Amoranta wingedshadowwolf SailorScout007 aminesick
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