JcZala (Fan Art Portfolio) Starcrossed Destiny Girls 2

Starcrossed Destiny Girls 2
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Here's another crossover fanart. This piece features three of my top 5 favorite girls, Cagalli-sama, Mikan-chan, and Orihime-san. It's only recently that I became such a big fan of Orihime-san. On the other hand, Cagalli-sama and Mikan-chan have been my top favorites for years now.

As I did with my previous work, Cagalli's hair is inspired by Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Her outfit here is much clearer now compared to the first since it only featured half of her body. She's donned in a sleeveless uniform coat with the same color scheme as her ORB uniform in Gundam SEED, but I added the Lion insignia on her upper left chest, and she also has a red turtle-neck shirt inside. She wears arm-length gloves, blue tight shorts, and a pair of knee-length boots. I wanted to give her a skirt, but I decided on shorts since it looked better. Once again, the eyepatch is a random idea.

Mikan-chan's outfit was inspired by Kaguya Sumeragi from Code Geass and Lisa Yodamaru from Bleach. It was Lisa who gave me the idea to draw Mikan in a kimono with a shortened hakama that resembled a skirt. Originally, the sleeves were attached, but after taking a look at Kaguya's design, I decided to detach it. The leg-warmers were also taken from Kaguya. The hairstyle is pretty much what I picture Mikan would wear most of the time. It just suits her pretty little face perfectly. Pink is totally her color too.

Arrancar inspired outfit for Orihime-san. Don't get me wrong. I really, really like Orihime-san's original Arrancar uniform in Bleach, but I wanted to draw her in a different outfit here. Hence, I modified the uniform, letting her wear a mini-skirt and long gloves. The boots' design are still the same with minor changes. I also placed the hairpins all on the left side of her bangs.

Cagalli Yula Athha of Gundam SEED (C) SUNRISE
Mikan Sakura of Alice Academy (C) Higuchi Tachibana
Orihime Inoue (C) Tite Kubo

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
athha, beautiful, bishoujo, cagalli, cosplay, girls, inoue, mikan, orihime, sakura, trio, uniforms, yula
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