I dunno why, I was driven to draw this last night. O_O But they're how I imagine the Greek Gods look. And no, they're not Mars and Venus, I don't go by Roman names since they just photocopied the Greek Gods XD
Ares, the God of War, and Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty. They're two of my favorite Gods, but not my number one favorite XD I'll probably draw him/her later ;D
But I like these two since they're coupleish and totally awesome. If you know me you know that War is a major motif of mine. So of course I love Ares. but I admit, the game God of War almost ruined Ares for me. And you had to sleep with Aphrodite...so God of War is a loveHate relationship...
I may also use their designs for my own characters someday O_O Then they'll look like love and war Gods.... *shifty eyes*