Nino Umaka (Fan Art Portfolio) Bring back the memories!!! XD

Bring back the memories!!! XD
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I MADE IT!!!!!!! I was starting to worry for a second. Anywho, this is for SakuraDust's challenge 'Before and After'.

Believe it or not, but those are the exact same four people in both pictures. I know this because I still use three of those oc's regularly. Lol! You can probably tell which one I don't use that often. I dare you to guess which one is who. I tried to keep them in the reletively same postitions in the pic.
Also, no those aren't their normal outfits, if you look at my stuff enough you know that Jessica doesn't usually wear a white shirt, but I wanted to stay as close to the picture as I dared.

Truthfully, I had drawn a completely different picture for this, showing my improvement from only last year, but the more I thought about it the more I decided I really should go and dig up one of my very frist drawings. It took a bit a looking but I came across my first three drawing EVER. This one I think is the third one. I hope it's not considered explicit imagery. I tried to keep it as simple as I could while still redrawing the old image! I could've gone all out (which surprisingly I really could've done a TON more with this picture) but I think that would've seemed like I was showing off, and I don't like to show off. XP I drew this on paper first, but I decided that I wanted to digitalize it since that is part of my improvement. I know that there are people who just kept it traditional because they felt like it was unfair to their younger selves, but I disagree. I think you should show everything you've learned or you really aren't showing your improvement at all!

Now! Story time! There actually is a story behind this. The before picture was drawn around the time I was obsessed with Sonic Heroes music. So these four ocs got together and performed concerts while I listened to the music while going to bed. Pretty lame right? But hey I was only 13, people change in four years! Now they pretty much stay in their own stories yes they mingle but I don't stay up listening to Sonic Heroes music and had them performs concerts. I go straight to sleep because I'm always dead tired when it's time for bed. *sigh* Where did all my energy go?

Well, hope you like it!



Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
after, before, challenge, character, improvement, jessica, nino, oc, original, umaka
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3 members Favoritefavorite
SakuraDust Natsu nii
Member Dedication
Before and After
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