Ok, for Christmas my mom got this sketch book (LUVIN' IT! ) and 3 REALLY good markers to go with it (and expensive too) and this was my first test with them. Unfortunately, these two, while wonderful seperately, are a bad combination together (the ink bleeds worse than a cut to the jugular vein
!) . Nonetheless, i still luvs them, i just don't use them together, i gave them each seperate and worthy partners.
Anyway i had always wanted to draw a skatepark setting ( no clue why, i can't even skateboard and own small town doesn't even HAVE one!), and this just pieced itself together without any real thought put into it. I must say, i am very pleased, and i hope you all are too!!!
Dedicated to Xiao Mei, in celebration of her return to theotaku!!! ( not that she ever really left but those who know her well know what i mean...)