This is my concept art for a character, codename Twilight's Dawn. If you want to use it in a fan comic/fiction, Here's the back story for her...
Number Thirteen (Twilight's Dawn) is an eccentric being not satisfied with material pleasures of the world. She leaves home to become somewhat of a nomad. her favorite time of day is the dawn, and she dedicates her day around preparing to enjoy it fully. Of course, not really having money, she is a master shoplifter. Feeling to cocky to her abilities, she gets arrested for her crimes. This is of no concern for her, as ling as she gets a cell with an east side facing window. of course, She gets the opposite, and is deprived of her dawn. Her true belonging being ripped from her, and her efforts of trying to change cells failing, her heart breaks.
Then she becomes a nobody and joins my version of the organization. this is her in her plainclothes, i'll show her in an organization robe later.