The Chibi Project- Day 3
WOOT. Day 3 of the Chibi project! *obviously* X3 I'm proud of myself though for coming this far. XDD I will keep trying to do better at submitting these, but during the week they'll most likely be posted up later in the day.
Anyway about this pic... I drew myself playing with my Nintendo DS (yes, the OLD kind. XD) because me and my friend L (no reference to Death Note whatsoever, that's just her first initial) played our Pokemon games today for like 4 hours. XD So that's what inspired me for this drawing today. ^^
I love my DS, it's even got a little case with a Kyogre and Starmie keychain (two of my most fave Pokemon evar!) But I drew my arms kinda funny... I dunno, they just look weird to me. XD I'll get better, I promise! D:
Also about the outfit... I wore a pink shirt with a fancy lil black top thing, a zebra print belt and matching zebra print shoes. It's hard to tell here, but that's what it is. Also the earrings are zebra print, heart shape ones. I love them so much~ All I need now is a matching bracelet to go with it... lol! *loves jewelry*
Drawn with the same stuff as before.
Colored in Photoshop CS2.
Texture from
Thanks for viewing and have an awesome day~!