Wakusei Aoshi (Fan Art Portfolio) Concept 1

Concept 1
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Another concept thingy just like that last picture. This took me WAYY longer than it should have (I had lots of interruptions..."orz).

I actually made the organization thingy...now this is more of a growing idea than just a slap something down thing like that last picture.

I reused some of my old OCs and put in some other OCs I didn't know what to do with and added some new ones.

Their names are in this order:

Top (left to right):

Kemuri, Leidge, Kei Oh, Jun, Gakuto, Maiko

Bottom (left to right):

Hon Shei, Kageru, Tomomi, Mitsuru, Kimika Abe, Nicholas

For the old ones (if you can tell) the first one was an old Naruto OC, the second...I think she was an RP character, the third was my 'K.O. Boy' from my 'K.O.' picture (and I kept the K.O. XD), Jun's an old transvestite serial killer OC (he's still a transvestite, just not a serial killer), Gakuto is a character I had been wanting to create for a while...I named him Gakuto...then remember Gackt...but I don't want to change it..."orz, and Maiko's an old character, she's unchanged except for the triangle on her eye. Hon Shei is an old OC that I have never drawn on the computer, but I've drawn numerous times in my notebook, he's a fun character (not to draw, though...O.o; There's two of him...). Kageru, Tomomi, and Mitsuru are my only new characters here. Kimika Abe I drew in the last post and Nicholas I drew a few posts before hers, he has a smiley face afro.

I named Nicholas Nicholas because the chinese for rainbow/sun bow is Ní and the japanese is niji...and they both remind me of Nicholas...plus he kinda looks like a Nicholas...unless you can give me a better name (or I think of a better name) then it'll stay Nicholas...>.>

...That's all I gotta say...

Enjoy! ^ ^

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
concept, ocs, organization
7 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
imouto chan Paulini Sweet Lullaby Kitty K.O.
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