I FINALLY get a digital art piece up here. This took probably a total of three hours over a three month timespan, and yet I failed to find a decent background for this.
I couldn't really think of one.
Anyway, this is a "promotion" of *M-Skirvin's InuYasha 'novel' Dogs of War. This won't be the REAL book cover, goodness no. I hope she either draws it herself or hires a professional. I'm just promoting it since her novel idea is what brought me on DA and made me share my InuYasha fandom with you all.
Now for the characters:
Top Left Corner- Queen of Madness Akumuizumi, more information on her here: http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d1vf22n
Top Right Corner- Demon InuYasha
Middle Left- Sesshomaru and his "half-demon son". I'm assuming it's Rin's, but M-Skirvin never said who the mother is. I found that information here: http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d1rdwrt
Center Left- Jesse Loomis, M-Skirvin's female OC who goes with InuYasha throughtout the novel. Info on her here: http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d1s0b54
Center Right- InuYasha in his hanyou form with his demonic stripes. M-Skirvin likes drawing him that way.
Bottom Left Corner- An elder Miroku. I don't draw old people at all, I hope I did okay with him. Here is the info on him in DOW: http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d1rdvrm
Middle Right- InuYasha's "Dog Form". Sorry I can't draw animals well, so I made it a shadow.
Bottom Right Corner- The Assassin Hitojin, who is a horse demon. More info on him here: http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d2qu6cg & http://m-skirvin.deviantart.com/gallery/7555964#/d2n2ddq
That pretty much sums it up. I was also experimenting with "realistic" hair. I wanted to give it a go. Some I'm happy with, some could have been better, but I learned a few things while doing it.
(c) Rumiko Takahashi
(c) M-Skirvin
(c) InuYashaReader