This is my Persona Shadow “Shining Dark”. I have never played the game but what I gather is it is all that you keep hidden. Well I keep many aspects hidden both good and evil. Also I found that the persona your highest ideals and such taking a form. Since I am a duplicis personality and keep much of myself hidden, both unwanted desires and noble ideals, I made one that is a combination of the two. On the one side, you see a noble knight type person and champion and, on the other, a ruthless beast of the darkest level. The two sides do fight with the other at times. The bag on the creature’s side dose holds a miniature woman but since the other side is a protector no harm ever really comes to her. Here are the attacks/abilities.
To Aid: Target allied character gets an increase defense.
Human shield: The beast side has damage aimed at him be dealt to a ally instead.
Rage Hand: A basic attack from the beast side.
Shining Cut: A basic attack from the knight side.
Noble Rage: This attack only works if both you and an ally are injured last turn. Both sides attack with the sword doing massive amount of damage.
Well that is it.