This drawing took me a while to finish up, but I'm happy about it. Total time to finish: about 2 days. These is also my first official drawings of Naruto himself.
The left drawing I found while looking for other pictures on photobucket and I decided to draw it since it looked so cool. I think I made his face a bit meaner than the original picture, but it looks better, at least in my opinion. It actually took me almost three hours to color it the way I wanted it.
I used RoseArt colored pencils for this drawing. The cream color was used as the main color so that some other yellow wasn't overpowering later on. I then lightly used yellow-orange to help me start the shadings on the body, flames and face. On the lighter shaded areas, I used true orange and in the darker areas had both true orange and orange. I used only red on his eyes but made it go from dark to light. And the orange chakra balls are a combination of orange, true orange, and red-orange.
The second drawing I drew for fun and I also thought a chibi Naruto was cute. Overall I used orange and just darkened it in shaded areas, used navy blue to darken the shaded areas and used ble for non-shaded, and yellow and golden yellow for his hair. The skin color is tan and light brown and I used Crayola erasable colored pencils on his skin.